This lone Fire Warrior was a 1-off paint job I did some ways back when a bit too much OD Green globbed out of the dropper bottle whilst painting something Bolt Action and I didn't want it all to go to waste it. Anyways, I brought him into work to 'stand guard' in my cube and thus he came into immediate combat with...our cleaning lady.
Didn't matter which nook or cranny I tucked him into, I'd always come in the next day to find him somewhere else on my cube's shelf. His first injury was when I came in one day to find his Pulse Rifle almost snapped in two indicating his first fall to the floor. That was an easy fix.
After a few more months are waging war vs. a feather duster wielding blue hair, I arrived to find him decapitated! Victorious she surely thought: Take your toys home nerd! Thusly defeated, he indeed was taken home, his helmeted head was never to be found.
He knocked about in the clusterfuck that is my hobby desk for a few months until, on a whim I scrounged thru my bitz for a new noggin, and painted him up earlier this week. He's now back on station and will likely take a cue from my chocolate chip camo marine by meekly cowering standing guard beneath one of my computer monitors, which is apparently safely out of range.
Or at least it might be, right up until his old feather dusting nemesis sees that he's returned...
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