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MAESTRO FRESH WES - Drop The Needle / D'Scene Magazine Fire In The Sky introducing...Canadian MEAGHAN COLLISON ~ models.com

 "D'Scene Magazine  Fire In The Sky" introducing...Canadian MEAGHAN COLLISON
Since it's Canada's 150th birthday I decided I would introduce the "newbie" in the international fashion world... 
Meaghan Collison.

  • Marie Schuller - Photographer
  • Christopher Maul - Fashion Editor/Stylist
  • Jeanie Syfu - Hair Stylist
  • Ingeborg - Makeup Artist
  • Christopher Maul - Casting Director
  • Meghan Collison - Model

  • "Meghan Collison is a Canadian fashion model. Collison was born in Edmonton, Alberta, and was discovered at a local mall model search. At the age of eighteen, she moved to New York, and rose to prominence as one of the world's top models, working internationally in the top fashion markets." ~ Wikipedia

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