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I'll have a blue Christmas without you......

Hi guys, I hope you all had a truly wonderful Christmas with families/friends/partners/all of the pre-mentioned. I haven't posted for a while and I should explain. 

Last Thursday my beloved Monty, a cat amongst cats, fell ill. He seemed a bit under the weather and so we decided that he would need to go to the vets. To begin with the vet wasn't sure what was wrong with him, however, after a few tests, it became clear it was serious. They decided to operate, but sadly, he didn't make it.

It was an incredible shock. He had been, up until Thursday, very healthy. He'd been eating and drinking, had found a new space to hide in (the shower), and was as cuddly as ever. Therefore his death has really rocked us. I could barely stop crying for the first couple of days after, and am still finding it hard to really take a huge amount of pleasure in things, hence my absence on here.

His partner in kitty crimes, Boo, has also been heartbroken, searching house and garden for him and calling for him. The house has been so quiet without him - I keep looking for him on the landing, where he used to stretch out and demand tummy rubs.

Monty, just chillin.
On bf's lap, a favoured napping spot.
Monty the criminal - indulging his penchant for my water!

I know that this is supposed to be a blog about nails, but this post is a dedication to Monty. He was a hugely important part of my little ragtag family that traipsed around various places over the last few years, and wherever he was, it felt like home. I shall desperately miss his nuzzling, his squeaky meow, the way he looked after Boo, the way he would follow me around the house for a cuddle and the way he was just dam cool! Without him, my world is a quieter and sadder place. 

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