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The Next Step

The first house I ever owned...my Fisher Price tudor house!

There was this line I loved from a poem we had read at our wedding that talks about all the wishing and hoping came to fruition on that day. I loved it because that's what it's really like when you want to spend the rest of your life with someone; the sweetest memories are of the days that every sentenced started, "when we live together" and "when we're married."

Building a life with someone is exciting and a key part of that is making a home. We've done our best to make a home out of our apartment, but we've been daydreaming about buying a house from the first day we lived together in 2009. It's taking a lot of scrimping and saving and frankly, generosity from family, but we're finally ready to start the search. So if it seems like I don't post as often, it will be because my entire brain and soul has become consumed by making the second biggest decision of my life!

But never fear, I'm a documentarian at heart and will share as much as I can as we go through the process. And then the fun will really begin, because we'll be in the next frontier of domestication: home ownership!

Wish us luck, and if you have any advice about the process (we're truly at the beginning), share your wisdom!

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